Whatever you fear today,
whatever you know is holding you back...face it. Journal or meditate on it, talk to a trusted
person, hire a self love coach, bring that fear into the light of self reflection and self love. Fear
will never stop and it can help us tremendously at times if we let it. First we must face it,
understand it, know it. Fear will always happen, it is what we choose to do with our fears that
will determine how we move forward and who we choose to be. We cannot control the
occurrence but we can control what we do with it. Facing fear can feel scary however if you do
so through the lens of self love, without judgment and with the goal to learn from fear, it can be
an exciting and nurturing experience. If we bottle our fears they have a tendency to grow until
they demand attention. This occurrence is what often leads to the midlife crisis. This is often an
eruption of ignored fears.
Recently I found the following in the notes on my phone.“I think I'm strong and then I have to
stop on the street because I feel as if breathing will make me cry. Just living will cause me to
break down. I have been stripped by this honesty. It is such a relief. It is freeing.” I wrote this on
my second day in recovery during one of the most difficult periods in my life. During a crisis. I
had feared dealing with my debilitating relationship with alcohol for years. This was
compounded by the fact that I used alcohol to escape from my fears. It was a crisis, a deep
cycle of fear feeding the addiction and addiction feeding the fear. Somehow I knew it was
freeing. I knew that the fear I was facing was going to set me free. Today when I hear of
someone having a midlife crisis I have tremendous empathy for them but I also feel excitement
as they are forced to face fears and get to the other side. When in a midlife crisis the fastest
path to the other side is directly through your fears. The easiest way to cut through this path is
with the practice and tools of self love. The crisis is indeed a portal to a new phase.. My midlife
crisis tackled me like a wave. It was the most difficult internal struggle I have ever experienced.
Today I am certain that these moments when I faced my fears are when I nurtured my most
valuable attributes. Many of us suffer from F.E.A.R. and in turn F*ck Everything And Run.
Through my self love work we Face Everything And Rise!
Like the moon, my self love journey has had many phases. It started with “The Midlife Crisis”.
People love to refer to a midlife change or awakening as a crisis. This is actually how the
experience feels when we get blindsided by it. The fear has consumed us and we cannot see
the light, the lesson, the possibly positive outcomes of our crisis. If we label what someone is
going through this way it is instantly bad, shameful and not full of legitimate feelings. Why do
we do this? If we delegitimize this occurrence we do not have to give it too much loving
attention or take a hard look at what is actually going on.We can get away with addressing it
with gossip and sneers instead of facing our fears head on.
“The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” -Robert Tew.
This period of change was indeed just that - I changed. I traveled to the other side of my fears.
Honoring and validating these changes and understanding my fears was the beginning of my
self love journey. If you want to know more about this period in my life, tune into my podcast-
The Self Love Peddler Show- where I go deeper. Committing to honoring my changed self was
not an overnight process. One of the hardest parts was accepting other people's reactions to
this new me. They had expectations of who I was. Relationships changed and those who loved
me worked to integrate the new version of Sophie into their lives. Sometimes a friend's crisis
(evolution, change, growth, awakening) can even trigger something brewing in others.
If you know someone who is going through a change, do not be too quick to label and judge it.
Loving a friend through this period of growth and evolution will boomerang right back to you.
That's just how love works.